The Professor missing episodes

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Due to junking policies once practiced by the GBC, many episodes of the long-running Gandoorese science-fiction television program The Professor broadcast between September 1958 and May 1970 are missing from the GBC's archives. As a result of these junking policies, 104 of the 327 episodes of The Professor broadcast during this time, primarily from programmes 2 to 5, are considered to be lost, with programme 1 being the only programme of the series from this time period to have all of its episodes survive to the present day.


When The Professor debuted on GBN on 13 September 1958, the GBC maintained no formal archival system for its television programming, with GBN programming only being archived until they were marked for either wiping (for programming recorded onto videotape, to enable the reuse of the 2-inch videotape to record other programming) or discarding (for programming recorded onto film). This practice of junking was by no means exclusive to the GBC, with many examples of television programming from both Gandoorese and foreign television networks being lost due to the junking of videotapes and film by television companies. Notably in Gandoor, 208 of 375 episodes of the popular drama series Rose broadcast on ATV from 1950 to 1957 have been lost due to the junking of kinescope recordings.

In the case of The Professor, the series was considered by the GBC to be a 'low-priority' program and therefore episodes were recorded onto 2-inch videotape, as opposed to the more expensive 16 mm film used to record higher-priority programming. As GBN was facing severe budget issues on account of the general economic crisis facing Gandoor at the time, the GBC was keen to reuse videotape whenever possible, with the first episode of The Professor to be marked for wiping being 'Chumbles', the 6th episode of programme 2, on 2 March 1959, only one month after the episode was originally broadcast on 24 January 1959.

Despite the establishment of the GBC-managed Gandoorese Television and Film Archives on 3 March 1959, this junking policy remained mostly unchanged until the establishment of an organized archival system for GBN in May 1962, between the conclusion of programme 5 in February and the premiere of programme 6 in July. After the creation of GBN's own internal archives, the policy was changed so that only low-priority programming could be junked under the following conditions:

  • It had been at least two months since the program was broadcast
  • The executive producer of the program has confirmed that they have no plans for rebroadcasting the program

In any case, the junking of episodes of The Professor significantly slowed down starting with programme 6. In contrast to programmes 2 to 5, which are missing a total of 63 of their 101 episodes, or 62% of their episode count, programmes 6 to 14 are only missing a total of 41 of their 221 episodes, or 18.5% of their episode count.

The GBC's junking policies came to an official end on 1 September 1970, when legislation went into force mandating archival of all television programming and movies in the Gandoorese Television and Film Archives. The last episode of The Professor to be wiped was 'Storms of Arrakis', the 25th episode of programme 14 on 11 August 1970, only three weeks prior to archival of television programming being made mandatory in Gandoor.

Missing episodes

List of missing episodes

As of March 2009, there are 104 episodes of The Professor that are no longer held by the GBC. The majority of the missing episodes come from programmes 2 to 5, which currently lack 63 of their 101 episodes. In contrast, programmes 6 to 14 currently lack 41 of their 221 episodes. As far as individual programmes go, programme 4 is the most affected by episode loss, with only 5 of its 26 episodes surviving to the present day. With the exception of the entirely extant programme 1, programme 11 was the least affected by episode loss, missing only 2 of its 26 episodes.

Of these missing episodes, 37 episodes have surviving clips and 38 episodes, including some episodes which also have surviving clips, have their entire audio soundtracks surviving due to contemporary recordings by home viewers.

Programme Episode Title Original Airdate Notes
2 4 'The Lizardmen' 10 January 1959
5 'The Darkest Caves' 17 January 1959
6 'Chumbles' 24 January 1959
9 'Attack of the Robots' 14 February 1959
11 'The Mysterious Lights' 28 February 1959 Audio exists
12 'The Savage Beasts from Vornix' 7 March 1959 Audio exists; film extract(s) exist
17 'Zodiac Sun' 11 April 1959
18 'Arcadia Dawning' 18 April 1959
19 'The Dawn of Atlas' 25 April 1959 Film extract(s) exist
22 'The Pit of Destruction' 16 May 1959 Film extract(s) exist
23 'Global Sun' 23 May 1959
3 1 'The Sinking City' 7 November 1959
2 'Bringing Massacre' 14 November 1959 Film extract(s) exist
3 'The Primitive Masters' 21 November 1959
5 'The Descendants of Avalon' 5 December 1959 Audio exists; film extract(s) exist
7 'Exile of Obsidian' 19 December 1959 Audio exists
9 'Xeno Twin' 2 January 1960
10 'The Man from Tarborto' 9 January 1960
11 'Cosmic Moon' 16 January 1960 Audio exists
13 'The Plague Carriers' 30 January 1960 Audio exists; film extract(s) exist
15 'The Beast' 13 February 1960 Film extract(s) exist
16 'Hunter of Life' 20 February 1960
17 'The Visitors from Mars' 27 February 1960
18 'The Enemy of Mankind' 5 March 1960 Film extract(s) exist
19 'The Dweller in the Depths' 12 March 1960
20 'Apocalypse Grieving' 19 March 1960
22 'Unusual Alien' 2 April 1960
23 'Oracle of Ellejos' 9 April 1960 Audio exists
24 'The Destroyers' 16 April 1960
4 1 'The Silencing Monster' 15 October 1960
2 'The Cave Monsters' 22 October 1960 Audio exists
3 'The Creatures from Oveko' 29 October 1960
5 'Silent Rebels' 12 November 1960
6 'Invasion of the Terrapsids' 19 November 1960 Film extract(s) exist
8 'The Horizon of Yesterday' 3 December 1960
9 'Solar Sinking' 10 December 1960
10 'The Robomen' 17 December 1960 Film extract(s) exist
11 'The Mystery of the Hotarans' 24 December 1960 Audio exists
13 'The Delegation' 7 January 1961
14 'Attack of the Skals' 14 January 1961 Audio exists; film extract(s) exist
16 'Invaders from Outer Space' 28 January 1961
17 'The Destruction of Time' 4 February 1961 Audio exists; film extract(s) exist
18 'The Death of Ivurdan' 11 February 1961
20 'Sins of the Void' 25 February 1961 Film extract(s) exist
21 'Babylon Grieving' 4 March 1961
22 'Revenge of the Chumbles' 11 March 1961
23 'Equinox of Eternity' 18 March 1961 Audio exists
24 'The Day of the Alograbs' 25 March 1961 Audio exists
25 'The Edge of Hope' 1 April 1961
26 'Dead Light' 8 April 1961 Audio exists
5 1 'Robots from the UFO' 26 August 1961
2 'The Invasion of the Dead' 2 September 1961 Audio exists; film extract(s) exist
3 'Beasts on the Ship' 9 September 1961
4 'Friends of Aliens' 16 September 1961 Audio exists
8 'Revenge of the Robomen' 14 October 1961
9 'Inferno' 21 October 1961
13 'The Massacre' 18 November 1961 Film extract(s) exist
14 'Dark Troopers' 25 November 1961 Film extract(s) exist
15 'The Skal Alliance' 2 December 1961 Audio exists
16 'The Knights of the Nebulae' 9 December 1961
19 'Visitors and Agents' 30 December 1961
20 'Space Seeds' 6 January 1962
24 'The Destiny of the Skals' 3 February 1962 Audio exists; film extract(s) exist
6 4 'The Silent Town' 18 August 1962 Audio exists
7 'Aliens of Dust' 8 September 1962
10 'The House of the Sun' 29 September 1962 Film extract(s) exist
16 'Conspiracy of the Moonbase' 10 November 1962 Film extract(s) exist
7 7 'Mercenaries from Outer Space' 25 May 1963
8 'Pilots of the New World' 1 June 1963 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
12 'The Robomen Invasion' 29 June 1963 Film extract(s) exist
17 'The Evil Skals, Part 1' 3 August 1963 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
18 'The Evil Skals, Part 2' 10 August 1963 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
19 'The Evil Skals, Part 3' 17 August 1963 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
20 'The Evil Skals, Part 4' 24 August 1963 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
23 'Friends from Oveko' 14 September 1963
26 'Guests of Nowhere' 5 October 1963
8 3 'The Tarborto Experiments' 25 January 1964 Film extract(s) exist
6 'Genesis, Part 1' 15 February 1964
7 'Genesis, Part 2' 22 February 1964 Audio exists
9 8 'The Deadly Experiment, Part 2' 9 January 1965 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
9 'The Dynasty of Time' 16 January 1965 Audio exists
10 'City of Neptunians' 23 January 1965
21 'Deadly Titan' 10 April 1965 Film extract(s) exist
22 'Crimson Exile' 17 April 1965
10 4 'The Poison Sky' 2 October 1965
5 'The Ark' 9 October 1965 Audio exists
9 'The Terror of the Nagra, Part 1' 6 November 1965 Film extract(s) exist
13 'The Skals' Deadly Game' 4 December 1965 Audio exists; film extract(s) exist
11 14 'Return of the Plant People' 3 September 1966 Audio exists
26 'Voltaic Shadows' 26 November 1966 Audio exists
12 2 'Hunter of New Earth' 11 March 1967
3 'Humans of Eternity' 18 March 1967 Film extract(s) exist
7 'Traitor of Our Future' 15 April 1967 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
12 'Commander of Mars' 20 May 1967
18 'The Menace of the Alien Defence Ministry' 1 July 1967 Audio exists
20 'The Deadly Alliance' 15 July 1967
13 18 'Return of the Robomen' 10 May 1969 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
19 'The Professor Falls' 17 May 1969 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
20 'The Resurrection' 24 May 1969 Audio exists, film extract(s) exist
14 1 'The War Games' 15 November 1969 Audio exists; film extract(s) exist
6 'The Men in the Centre of the Earth' 20 December 1969
15 'The Mystery of Sot Ankton' 21 February 1970 Film extract(s) exist
21 'Off World' 4 April 1970 Audio exists
25 'Storms of Arrakis' 2 May 1970
104 episodes



A number of previously missing episodes of The Professor have been recovered since the GBC officially ended its junking policy in September 1970. When GBN's archives were first audited by the GBC in 1974, there were 138 episodes of The Professor from programmes 1 to 14 that were found to be missing from the archives. 34 of these previously missing episodes have since been recovered and returned to the GBC from a variety of sources, both from within Gandoor and from the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, where the GBC had had some success selling the series to independent stations in the United States, CTV in Canada, the ABC in Australia, and the NZBC in New Zealand during the 1960s. Episodes sold to the United States and Canada were provided to broadcasters via videotape copies of the original NTSC master tapes and episodes sold to Australia and New Zealand were provided to broadcasters via 16 mm kinescope recordings.

Programme Episode Title Original Airdate Recovered From Format Country Year
1 2 'The Orphan' 20 September 1958 GTFA NTSC videotape Gandoor 1974
5 'The Space Mutants' 11 October 1958 GTFA NTSC videotape Gandoor 1974
4 7 'The Menacing Shadow People' 26 November 1960 CTV NTSC videotape Canada 1978
12 'Binary Leviathan' 31 December 1960 CTV NTSC videotape Canada 1978
15 'The Curse of the Mycra' 21 January 1961 CTV NTSC videotape Canada 1978
19 'The Mysterious Assassin' 18 February 1961 CTV NTSC videotape Canada 1978
5 5 'The Silver People' 23 September 1961 Private individual 16 mm kinescope Gandoor 2003
6 'The Chase' 30 September 1961 Independent station NTSC videotape United States 1985
7 'The Nightmare Begins' 7 October 1961 Independent station NTSC videotape United States 1985
10 'Creature from the Seas' 28 October 1961 CTV NTSC videotape Canada 1991
17 'Officer of Death' 16 December 1961 CTV NTSC videotape Canada 1991
18 'Broken Eternity' 23 December 1961 CTV NTSC videotape Canada 1991
25 'The Invasion' 10 February 1962 Private individual 16 mm kinescope Australia 1976
6 2 'The Woman from Tarlax' 4 August 1962 Private individual 16 mm kinescope New Zealand 2009
3 'The Temple of Death' 11 August 1962 Private individual 16 mm kinescope New Zealand 2009
17 'Comet Sumnus' 17 November 1962 NZBC 16 mm kinescope New Zealand 1975
18 'The Time Bomb' 24 November 1962 NZBC 16 mm kinescope New Zealand 1975
7 2 'The Plant People' 20 April 1963 Independent station NTSC videotape United States 1994
3 'The Creators' 27 April 1963 Private individual 16 mm kinescope Gandoor 2001
21 'The Evil Skals, Part 5' 31 August 1963 ABC 16 mm kinescope Australia 1977
25 'An Unusual Nova' 28 September 1963 CTV NTSC videotape Canada 1979
8 10 'Deep Trouble' 14 March 1964 Private individual 16 mm kinescope Australia 1986
19 'The Alien Menace' 16 May 1964 Independent station NTSC videotape United States 1994
9 7 'The Deadly Experiment, Part 1' 2 January 1965 CTV NTSC videotape Canada 1978
11 7 'The Circles of Urudros' 16 July 1966 Independent station NTSC videotape United States 1981
11 'The Vultraks' 13 August 1966 Independent station NTSC videotape United States 1981
12 'The Robomen Menace' 20 August 1966 Independent station NTSC videotape United States 1981
24 'The Space Asylum' 12 November 1966 Independent station NTSC videotape United States 1981
10th Anniversary 1 '10th Anniversary Special' 13 September 1968 GTFA NTSC videotape Gandoor 1974
13 7 'The Obsidian Beasts' 22 February 1969 GTFA NTSC videotape Gandoor 1974
10 'The Dying Ark People' 15 March 1969 GTFA NTSC videotape Gandoor 1974
14 2 'The Final Test' 22 November 1969 GTFA NTSC videotape Gandoor 1974
5 'A Match of the Gods' 13 December 1969 GTFA NTSC videotape Gandoor 1974
12 'The Cave Society' 31 January 1970 GTFA NTSC videotape Gandoor 1974
33 episodes

Sources of recovered episodes

Since the first audit of GBN's archives in 1974, a number of episodes which were absent from the archives have since been recovered from a variety of sources.

Gandoorese Television and Film Archives

Shortly after the completion of the audit of GBN's own archives, the GBC checked the Gandoorese Television and Film Archives for pre-September 1970 episodes of GBN programming. This search of the GTFA resulted in the recovery of eight episodes of The Professor: two from programme 1, the 10th anniversary special, two from programme 13, and three from programme 14. The recovery of the two episodes from programme 1 - episodes 2 and 5 - resulted in that programme being complete in GBN's archives and the only programme until programme 15 to survive in its entirety.

Private individuals

The episodes 'The Silver People' - episode 5 of programme 5 - and 'The Creators' - episode 3 of programme 7 - were returned to the GBC in 2001 and 2003 by two separate individuals. Both recovered episodes were 16 mm kinescope recordings of the original master tapes and the individual who returned 'The Silver People' said that he had been given the episode, along with several other 16 mm kinescopes of GBN programming, by his uncle, who he said had worked for the GBC from the 1960s to the 1980s. The individual who returned 'The Creators' says that he bought the episode at a jumble sale in 1991 because he had enjoyed watching The Professor as a child and was not aware of the existence of missing episodes until reading about the recovery of 'The Silver People' online in 2001.

Foreign countries
Foreign broadcasters

The GBC began to offer The Professor for sale for foreign broadcast in late 1960, starting with programme 4. Ultimately the series would be sold to a variety of independent stations in the United States, CTV in Canada, the ABC in Australia, and the NZBC in New Zealand starting in early 1961. As the United States and Canada used the same television standard as Gandoor, episodes sold to those countries were provided as videotapes copied from the original NTSC master tapes. For Australia and New Zealand, which used a different television standard, episodes were provided as 16 mm kinescope recordings.

Appealing to the networks which had purchased the series to search their own archives and return any episodes of The Professor to the GBC resulted in the recovery of the episodes 'Comet Sumnus' and 'The Time Bomb', episodes 17 and 18 of programme 6, from the NZBC in New Zealand in 1975. This was followed in 1977 by the recovery of the episode 'The Evil Skals, Part 5', episode 21 of programme 7, from the ABC in Australia; the recovery of five episodes, including four episodes from programme 4 - which only had a single surviving episode in GBN's archives - from CTV in Canada in 1978; and the recovery of the episode 'An Unusual Nova', episode 25 of programme 7, also from CTV, in 1979.

Recovery from foreign broadcasters continued into the 1980s and 1990s. Four episodes, all from programme 11, were recovered from an independent station in the United States in 1981; another independent station returned episodes 6 and 7 of programme 5 in 1985; episodes 10, 17, and 18 from the same programme were recovered from CTV in 1991; and episode 2 of programme 7 and episode 19 of programme 8 were returned from two separate formerly independent stations in 1994.

Private individuals

In 1976, a 16 mm kinescope of 'The Invasion', episode 25 of programme 5, was sent to the GBC from Australia. Alongside the episode was a note from the sender, who wished to remain anonymous, which said that they were an employee of the ABC and had taken the episode home when they were ordered to dispose of the recording in 1972 and remembered they had an episode of the series when they heard that the GBC had sent a notice requesting that the ABC search for episodes of The Professor in their own archives the year prior.

A 16 mm kinescope of the episode 'Deep Trouble', episode 10 of programme 8, was returned to the GBC by an Australian collector in 1986. The collector said that he purchased the episode at a flea market in Adelaide in 1981 for AU$15 from a seller who had 'a variety of 16 mm copies of television programming for sale'.

The most recent recovery of missing episodes of The Professor occurred in 2009, when episodes 2 and 3 of programme 6 were returned by a New Zealand collector. As these two episodes were from the same programme as the episodes returned to the GBC by the NZBC in 1975, it is thought that these episodes were taken from the NZBC around the same time period, likely by someone who had been ordered to dispose of them.


37 missing episodes are represented by what the GBC terms 'film extracts', short orphaned clips of episodes that have been recovered from various sources. The most common source of these film extracts is the GBC themselves, with clips being recovered from surviving episodes of other GBN programming or, less commonly, from being used in promotional trailers for The Professor that managed to avoid being junked. Other sources of film extracts include portions of episodes that were physically excised from the 16 mm kinescopes used in Australia and New Zealand due to local content laws in those nations and several examples of silent clips taken by physically recording the television screen with an 8 mm home camera during an episode's broadcast.

Programme Episode Title Recovered (mm:ss) Format Source Country Total (mm:ss)
2 12 'The Savage Beasts from Vornix' 00:41 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 00:57
00:16 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
19 'The Dawn of Atlas' 01:07 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:07
22 'The Pit of Destruction' 00:27 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 00:27
3 2 'Bringing Massacre' 00:21 8 mm Private individual Gandoor 00:21
5 'The Descendants of Avalon' 00:38 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:48
00:47 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
00:23 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
13 'The Plague Carriers' 01:13 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:13
15 'The Beast' 01:13 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:48
00:35 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
18 'The Enemy of Mankind' 00:17 8 mm Private individual Gandoor 01:08
00:51 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
4 6 'Invasion of the Terrapsids' 00:28 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia 00:28
10 'The Robomen' 00:57 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:27
00:17 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
00:13 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia
14 'Attack of the Skals' 00:47 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 03:31
01:31 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
00:51 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
00:22 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
17 'The Destruction of Time' 00:58 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia 00:58
20 'Sins of the Void' 00:27 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia 00:46
00:19 16 mm kinescope Archives New Zealand New Zealand
5 2 'The Invasion of the Dead' 01:17 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia 01:17
13 'The Massacre' 00:21 8 mm Private individual Gandoor 00:21
14 'Dark Troopers' 00:35 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 00:35
24 'The Destiny of the Skals' 00:27 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:56
00:41 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
00:48 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
6 10 'The House of the Sun' 00:19 16 mm kinescope Archives New Zealand New Zealand 00:19
16 'Conspiracy of the Moonbase' 01:58 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:58
7 8 'Pilots of the New World' 00:21 8 mm Private individual United States 00:21
12 'The Robomen Invasion' 00:48 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:02
00:14 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia
17 'The Evil Skals, Part 1' 00:27 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:43
01:03 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
00:13 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
18 'The Evil Skals, Part 2' 00:14 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:14
00:22 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia
00:38 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
19 'The Evil Skals, Part 3' 01:19 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 02:56
00:21 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
00:16 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
00:21 16 mm kinescope Archives New Zealand New Zealand
00:23 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia
20 'The Evil Skals, Part 4' 00:37 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:43
00:58 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
00:08 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
8 3 'The Tarboto Experiments' 00:17 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia 00:17
9 8 'The Deadly Experiment, Part 2' 00:24 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 00:29
00:05 16 mm kinescope Archives New Zealand New Zealand
21 'Deadly Titan' 00:13 8 mm Private individual Gandoor 00:13
10 9 'The Terror of the Nagra, Part 1' 00:21 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 00:33
00:12 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia
13 'The Skals' Deadly Game' 00:38 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 02:00
00:51 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
00:19 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
00:12 16 mm kinescope National Archives Australia
12 3 'Humans of Eternity' 00:14 8 mm Private individual United States 00:14
7 'Traitor of Our Future' 00:06 8 mm Private individual Gandoor 00:23
00:17 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
13 18 'Return of the Robomen' 00:33 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 00:45
00:12 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
19 'The Professor Falls' 00:17 8 mm Private individual Gandoor 03:05
00:38 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
00:09 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
02:18 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
20 'The Ressurection' 00:42 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 02:21
01:39 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
14 1 'The War Games' 00:51 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor 01:09
00:18 8 mm Private individual Gandoor
15 'The Mystery of Sol Ankton' 00:12 8 mm Private individual Gandoor 00:40
00:28 NTSC videotape GBC Gandoor
Totals 37 episodes 43 minutes 33 seconds

Audio soundtracks

38 missing episodes have their entire audio soundtrack surviving due to contemporary recordings by home viewers, including 19 episodes which also have extant film extracts. These audio soundtracks, including the soundtracks to two episodes which were later recovered, were released by the GBC on either cassette tape or CD between 1994 and 2006, with each release featuring linking narration by Tom Williamson to describe actions and other originally visual sequences. These releases would later be rereleased under the 'Deluxe Missing Episodes' range on both CD and digital download from 2009 to 2016. The Deluxe Missing Episodes releases of the missing episode soundtracks included additional interviews with surviving cast and crew members and bonus PDF materials about the episodes.

Programme Episode Title Cassette Release Date CD Release Date
2 11 'The Mysterious Lights' 17 March 1997 17 March 1997
12 'The Savage Beasts from Vornix' - 21 November 2001
3 5 'The Descendants of Avalon' - 10 October 2000
7 'Exile of Obsidian' 6 August 1995 6 August 1996
11 'Cosmic Moon' - 12 February 2000
13 'The Plague Carriers' 7 July 1996 7 July 1996
23 'Oracle of Ellejos' 10 June 1999 10 June 1999
4 2 'The Cave Monsters' - 16 September 2003
11 'The Mystery of the Hotarans' 9 December 1995 12 January 1996
14 'Attack of the Skals' 14 January 1994 15 March 1996
17 'The Destruction of Time' 26 July 1997 26 July 1997
23 'Equinox of Eternity' - 19 August 2004
24 'The Day of the Alograbs' 10 April 1995 2 March 1996
26 'Dead Light' - 21 April 2006
5 2 'The Invasion of the Dead' - 19 January 2001
4 'Friends of Aliens' 30 July 1997 30 July 1997
15 'The Skal Alliance' 7 June 1994 6 February 1997
24 'The Destiny of the Skals' 22 August 1995 16 April 1996
6 3 'The Temple of Death'[1] - 6 May 2002
4 'The Silent Town' - 19 August 2003

3 'The Creators'[1] 29 April 1994 17 April 1996
8 'Pilots of the New World' - 10 July 2005
17 'The Evil Skals, Part 1' - 6 June 2004[2]
18 'The Evil Skals, Part 2' -
19 'The Evil Skals, Part 3' -
20 'The Evil Skals, Part 4' -
8 7 'Genesis, Part 2' - 27 October 2002[3]
9 8 'The Deadly Experiment, Part 2' - 1 November 2003[4]
9 'The Dynasty of Time' 26 December 1997 26 December 1997
10 5 'The Ark' 15 November 1995 10 April 1997
13 'The Skals' Deadly Game' 13 December 1994 15 March 1997
11 14 'Return of the Plant People' - 2 February 2001
26 'Voltaic Shadows' - 4 June 2005
12 7 'Traitor of Our Future' 6 August 1999 6 August 1999
18 'The Menace of the Alien Defence Ministry' 12 August 1996 12 August 1996
13 18 'Return of the Robomen' - 10 October 2003[5]
19 'The Professor Falls' -
20 'The Resurrection' -
14 1 'The War Games' 7 May 1997 7 May 1997
21 'Off World' 6 March 1998 6 March 1998
Totals 40 Episodes 19 Cassette Releases 35 CD Releases



A number of missing episodes with surviving audio have been remade in animated form for inclusion on home video releases. The first animated remakes were of the episodes 'Return of the Plant People' and 'Voltaic Shadows' from programme 11, which were remade for inclusion on the 'The Professor Complete Programme 11' DVD release in 2008.

  1. 1.0 1.1 This episode was later recovered.
  2. The audio soundtrack to part 5 of 'The Evil Skals', which was recovered in 1977, was included as part of this release
  3. A condensed recap of 'Genesis, Part 1', which is completely missing from the GBC's archives, was included as part of this release.
  4. The audio soundtrack to 'The Deadly Experiment, Part 1', which was recovered in 1978, was included as part of this release.
  5. These three episodes, which are considered to make up one story, were only available in a special 2-CD set