Gandoor Wiki:About
Gandoor Wiki is an online encyclopedia about Gandoor, a nation from the online web game NationStates. This wiki was created due to NSindex, a previous NationStates-based encyclopedia that was previously used by the creator of Gandoor for the creation of articles regarding her creation, going into indefinite read-only mode on 20 March 2019 due to circumstances regarding the webmaster of NSindex's health.
Editing This Wiki
To prevent vandalism (as the operator of this wiki is, naturally, unable to monitor edits 24/7), this wiki has been designated as READ-ONLY for all visitors, with only the creator of Gandoor herself being able to create and edit articles.
This Wiki and In-Character VS Out-of-Character Content
With few exceptions (this page taken as an example), all content on this wiki is to be considered IN-CHARACTER content; in other words, articles created on this wiki are written with the intent that they are to be taken by readers as non-fictional encyclopedic articles about Gandoor and related subjects. References to Gandoor from an 'out-of-character' point-of-view will be avoided on this wiki. (As an example of what is meant by 'in-character' vs 'out-of-character', references to Gandoor's population will only use the role-played population of 238.51 million and not the 23.681 billion [as of 23 June 2020] population as stated on the page for Gandoor on the NationStates website).