Gandoor City
Gandoor City (Japanese: ガンドア市 Gandoa-shi, Russian: Гандурград Gandurgrad) is the capital of the Democratic Republic of Gandoor. It has an estimated population of 82,567 and consists of around 70% of the population of the Gandoor City Capital District.
Construction on the city began in 1623 and it was officially established in 1625 as 'Rulookia', from the native word 'relooki', meaning 'leader residence'. As Rulookia, it served as the capital of the Nzardom of Gandoor from 1625 until 1841, when the Gandoorese Royal Family moved residence to the recently constructed Great Palace City. Even though the royal family had moved to Great Palace City and it was designated as the new Gandoorese capital, many government institutions remained in Rulookia, resulting in it officially being renamed to the City of Government in 1843.
Following the Gandoor Revolution, the interim post-revolutionary government, who had established a temporary government from Great Palace City, decided to move the capital back to the City of Government, as well as officially renaming it to Gandoor City (alongside renaming Great Palace City to Nzardgrad). In 1904, the city became the official capital of the newly established Democratic Republic of Gandoor.
While Gandoor City was synonymous with the Gandoor City Capital District for the first twelve years of the existence of the Democratic Republic, in 1916, several smaller towns that were considered to be within the Capital District but not part of it were officially absorbed into the district, although they did not become part of Gandoor City proper and retained their existence as separate towns.
In 1999, Gandoor City experienced the worst terrorist attack in Gandoorese history when twenty-six members of the Gandoor Nationalist Revolutionary Society, a far-right fascist splinter organization from the Gandoor Fascist Party, detonated several car bombs in a large crowd in the city, killing 826 people instantly with sixteen more people passing away in the hospital due to their injuries.. The GNRS originally planned to use the confusion from the explosions for other members of the Society to sneak into the Forum, which was in-session when the bombing occurred, and hold the Members of the Forum and the Gandoorese Prime Minister, Steven Livingston, hostage.
The twenty-six involved in the bombing and the GNRS's leader, Daisuke Watanabe, would be arrested in May 2001 with the remaining members of the GNRS officially disbanding it several months later. All twenty-seven would eventually be sentenced to 75 years in prison, the maximum sentence allowable following the 2003 abolishment of the death penalty.
Gandoor City Representation Movement
Despite the Gandoor City Capital District being almost entirely identical to a yon in all but name, citizens who live within the Capital District do not have any representation in the Forum and, as a result, have no say in who will become the Gandoorese Prime Minister.
A movement promoting representation for the capital started in the late 1960s, but was a minor movement until the mid-70s, when then-Mayor Rose Winters publicly declared her support for Gandoor City representation.
Supporters of the movement usually propose removing four Members of the Forum from Icpo Yon, the yon that the Capital District is located within, and giving four Members to the Capital District. However, as Icpo Yon does not want to have less representation in the Forum, this solution is dismissed by their government. Icpo Yon's proposed solution is dissolving the Capital District and making Gandoor City and the other towns located within part of the yon proper. This solution is not supported within the Capital District itself as the majority of citizens wish to maintain their status of being their own functional administrative division.